September 17 Day at Brisbane Festival{History and Culture}

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We woke up in the morning after sleeping in and we went on a walk a saw the Museum of Brisbane and I suggested that we should go to that later. We went back to the RV and got out cameras and charged or phones. We looked up the times for the museum to see when we could go. We saw it would open at 10 so we cooked up some ramen noodles and then left for the museum.
The museum had an ancient Greek mixed with British style feel. We went on the Brisbane City Hall Tour at 10:30am which was such an amazing experience and to Mason's Delight, it was free. We also got a book that I have no idea what we did with. Sadly, a few of the rooms were not open to us because they were being used by the government because city hall was still in use.

After that amazing adventure, we went to a cool café that Mason had found earlier. It was called the "Ad Infinitum Café". We all got "Buttery French Croissant" for $6.50. We had a bunch of fun because we all showed how we eat our Croissants. Everyone got coffee except for Mason because he doesn't like Coffee.

We finally went to the Festival where we went to our first show called "CHARLIE LIM AND THE MOTHERSHIP". It was a great start to our festival day because none of us had to herd his electric pop music which everyone in the group liked. Dylan tried telling Mason that they were really good during the concert, but Mason could not hear him and we all laughed about that after the concert. Mason said that his other favorite part of the concert was him amazing post-rock music that he really loved. Mason had to explain it to us as using guitars in a certain way that normal rock doesn't use them.

We went to go see Fun House after the show which was a circus performance. The performances were amazing and the people there were great. Except for one person two rows behind us that would not stop yelling at the person to "Fly higher," this made Mason and Dylan so angry that they yelled at him. After yelling the two would turn around really quick and it turned into a sort of game between the two. The man never saw who was doing it but the row behind us was laughing hysterically.
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We went to "LIMBO UNHINGED" which was an amazing part of the trip. Our favorite part was Heather Holliday who is a sword swallower that is from America. We also got to see talents like Marco Motta who was from Brazil and was an Aerial wiz who did amazing tricks in the air that blew our minds. The music there took a while to get used to but was overall great. At one point Zach just looked at me all confused and I just shrugged my shoulders.

We left the festival after this and none of us were hungry so we went to bad except Dylan, Mason, and Diego stayed up and played cards.


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