September 15 Hyde Park and Sydney Olympic Park

Hyde Park and Sydney Olympic Park (history, sports)

Image result for australian fish and chips shop
We had a long night at the Sydney opera house so we sleep in until eight. we got up in search for a couple parks that are very historic to Australia but first we needed some breakfast. Mason found us a great place walking distance away from our next destination. The Canopy is a very modern and the coffee was extraordinary. Zach ordered the benedict beagle which was suggested by the waitress and it was out of this world.  We found one called Hyde Park, this was the oldest park in Australia. This park is in the heart of Australia and has sixteen hectares of open land. Several monuments stand We had a long night at the Sydney opera house so we sleep in until eight and get up guard in Hyde Park and one is Archibald Fountain which was a gift from JF Archibald. It is a water feature dripping in ancient mythology and people said it was magnificent so that was our first destination at the park. As Image result for the canopy restaurant in australiawe walked up Dylan pushed Avery into the fountain and he was asked by the police to leave but Avery later told them that it was fine. They soon started following us and monitoring us. We then went to the Anzac Memorial and the Pool of Reflection where families pay respect to the ones they lost. This time everyone had the respect not to push anyone in. Many time food events and other social gathering are held in the park but today there was nothing special was Image result for Hyde park in australiagoing on. We played soccer and Frisbee in an open field and that was when Diego came out and skied Dylan. Everyone started going crazy while Dylan was still on the ground. It came to the time walk on some trails that are set up around the fields. We finished that at about 1:00 and we realize it was past lunch but good thing we had a late breakfast. We all agreed on going to get some food and bring it back to eat at a picnic table. We go to a fast Image result for sydney olympic parkfood restaurant which was Australian fish and chips shop. We take it back and eat a really greasy lunch in the park. It is soon time to go to the Sydney Olympic Park where the Summer Olympics were held in 2000 and the park was finished being established in 2009. We decided to go on a biking tour within the park. It was called escape from the office the office bike ride so mason lied to the escort and said that we are all co-workers at a bike sales company.Image result for rv that sleeps 5 He believed us and we went on the ride and it was so amazing. We stopped multiple times to check out what each stop had to offer. By the time it was dinner we were done with the bike ride. We than go back to the RV and have a snack we bought before we go to bed after a long day of work.


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