Persuasive Post

Why You Should go to Australia (Ethos, Pathos, Logos)
Budget + Itinerary

     I believe that anyone who loves having a good time and just want to get away from your life with a few friends, will have an amazing time on this trip to Australia, the land down under. You will learn many things and submerse yourself in a culture you aren’t usually in. This is also a cheap trip for going half way around the world and spending two weeks in a foreign country in which you will do things that you have never done before(Logos).  The highlights of the trip were places anyone could boast about including one of the most iconic buildings ever, the Sydney Opera House, and even the largest coral reef in the world, The Great Barrier Reef. Another benefit of the wonderful country of Australia is the language. The language barrier between tourist and locals is often one of the most off-putting obstacles of going on a foreign trip.  Luckily, in Australia they speak English, but with the coolest accents (Logos). Australia also has a wonderful climate. The weather is warm almost year-round and never gets to cold. 
Image result for australian flag     Some people in this world will pass up the chance of a life time, going to Australia and have and amazing time for fear of it failing or not having anyone to go with. Whether you go by yourself or if you go with a group there is no way not to have a great time and meet a bunch of great people on your trip.  You will have a blast there no matter what part you visit from the east coast with all of its National Parks to the wild Outback. Don’t stay cooped up in your room and expect the fun to come to you (Pathos). Go out and explore the great country of Australia, you will find countless amazing things to do and will have the best tale to boast about to all of your friends.


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