September 9-11th Travel Days

From LAX we took the red-eye flight to Melbourne which was 13 hours and landed us in Australia on September 11th at around 5:45 PM. The time difference was 16 hours ahead of Los Angeles (19 from Raleigh). Going through customs took close to an hour and a half and Diego would not stop sneezing. When we landed, the airport officials made us walk across a bleached mat, that got rid of any foreign grasses and bacteria. We finally got through customs and picked up the RV at 7:00. We drove through Wendy's and picked up food for the night. Dylan had offered to drive the RV, so we let him, but he got us lost and took close to 35 minutes to get back on track to where we were parking for the night. Overall today was very tiring and we just slept until morning for our first day of activities and we cannot wait for tomorrow.
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